Package: gnome-shell-extension-freon
Version: 50+dfsg-1
Control: Affects: -1 gnome-shell-extension-pomodoro

The right-pointing white triangle ⏵ of Freon means: expand a submenu. The right-pointing white triangle ⏵ of Pomodoro means: start the timer. However, these two triangles look very similar (cf. the attached screenshots screenshot-freon.png and screenshot-pomodoro.png), suggesting that their meaning would be the same.

It took me, perhaps, 10-20 minutes, including a reboot, to understand that Pomodoro's triangle ⏵ itself means to be clicked, and the text “Pomodoro-Timer” to its left is NOT supposed to be clickable and that the absence of reaction to a click on “Pomodoro-Timer” might be intentional.

On the contrary, the text “🌡Temperature …°” to the left of ⏵ in Freon IS supposed to be clickable.

- Make ⏵ in Pomodoro more like the media-play symbol U+23F5 in the current Gnome font if not yet done. - Replace the text “Pomodoro-Timer” with “Start timer” and make it clickable. - Replace the filled right triangle ⏵ in Freon by the usual Gnome submenu right angle ⟩ or ›, which we see when we click on the settings in the right upper corner of the Screen (cf. attachment screenshot-gnome.png). It doesn't matter which symbol exactly GNOME uses (it may ever be drawn) – Freon should simply use the very same symbol.


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