Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Anthony Fok <>

* Package name    : tippecanoe
  Version         : 2.24.1
  Upstream Contact: Erica Fischer
* URL             :
* License         : BSD-2-Clause, etc.
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : build vector tilesets from large collections of GeoJSON 

 Tippecanoe builds vector tilesets from large (or small) collections of
 GeoJSON, FlatGeobuf, or CSV features.
 The goal of Tippecanoe is to enable making a scale-independent view of
 your data, so that at any level from the entire world to a single
 building, you can see the density and texture of the data rather than
 a simplification from dropping supposedly unimportant features or
 clustering or aggregating them.
 If you give it all of OpenStreetMap and zoom out, it should give you back
 something that looks like "All Streets" rather than something that looks
 like an Interstate road atlas.
 If you give it all the building footprints in Los Angeles and zoom out
 far enough that most individual buildings are no longer discernable,
 you should still be able to see the extent and variety of development
 in every neighborhood, not just the largest downtown buildings.
 If you give it a collection of years of tweet locations, you should be
 able to see the shape and relative popularity of every point of interest
 and every significant travel corridor.

I intend to use Tippecanoe to generate vector map tiles for
(OpenDRR platform) as part of my work at/for Geological Survey of Canada,
Natural Resources Canada.

I plan to maintain this package within the Debian GIS Team.


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