
Here is a man page for ar86. If you could forward it upstream, great
(otherwise I can make a request).


.TH ar86 1 "May, 2006"
.BY Shyamal Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ar86 \- Create, modify, and extract from archive file
.B ar86
.I operation
.B archive 
.RI [ file... ]
.BR ar86
.I positional\-op
.B  member
.B archive 
.RI [ file ...]

.B ar86 
program is used to create, examine and modify archive files produced
by the Dev86/ELKS toolchain.
.B ar86
command requires that the operation to be performed on the archive be
specified as the first option. If the operation is positional then the
next option is the archive member marking the position. This is
followed by the archive file name and any list of file names.
.SS Operations
One of the following operations can be specified
.B d
\fIdelete\fR the listed files from the archive.
.B m
\fImove\fR the named files. By default files are moved to the end of
the archive unless a positional modifier is present.
.B p
\fIprint\fP the contents of archive members to standard out. If a file
list is included only those members are printed. If the \fBv\fR
modifier is present each file's contents are preceeded by a new line,
a line with the string \fBmember\fR, a space character, the member
name, and two following newlines.
.B q
.I quickly
add the files to the end of the archive without checking
to see if they already exist in the archive. This operation will
ignore any positional modifiers. Creates the archive file if it does
not exist.
.B r
\fIreplace\fR archive members with the files listed. If the file name
is not present in the archive it is added to the end of the archive
(or to any explicitly specified position). Creates the archive file if
it does not exist.
.B t
\fItable\fR; list the file names of archive members. If a file list is
present only those files that are present in the archive are listed.
The \fBv\fR modifier prints member attributes.
.B x
\fIextract\fR the named files from the archive into the current
directory. If no files are specified all the archive members will be
.SS Modifiers
The following modifiers may be used with the operations
.B o
\fIoriginal\fR time stamps from the archive are preserved for
extracted files when possible.
.B s
\fIsymbol\fR update; this option may be used by itself to force an
update to the symbol definition section of the archive (the
member). If any files are specified they will be replaced as if the 
.B r
operation had been specified. If no symbol definition section exists
one is created. This option will also creates the archive file if it
does not exist.
.B u 
\fIupdate\fR files in the archive during a
.B r
.RI ( replace )
operation. The files are added to the archive in exactly the same
manner as
.I replace
except that an existing archive member will be retained (in its
original position) if it has a modified more recently than the file
being added. Note that this modifier acts as if a
.B r
operation has been specified (even it has not), and will actually
override any other previously specified operation.
.B v
\fIverbose\fR; print additional diagnostic messages while processing
the archive.
.SS Positional Modifiers
The following modifiers specify where in the archive files are moved
to or added. If any of these modifiers are specified then the second
option to 
.B ar86
must be the name of an archive member.
.B a
\fIafter\fR; files are placed after the specified archive member.
.B b
\fIbefore\fR; files are placed before the specified archive member.
.B i
same as
.BR b .
To see the contents of an archive
ar86 tv libfile.a
To add some files to an archive
ar86 r libfile.a file1.o file2.o
to add some files after a member named mem.o and to update the symbol
ar86 rsa mem.o libfile.a file1.o file2.o
.B l
modifier will be accepted but ignored.
This command is intended for use only with object files created using
the Dev86/ELKS toolchain.
.BR as86 (1), 
.BR bcc (1),
.BR ld86 (1)
\(co 1988, 1990 Free Software Foundation Inc. Changes for 
.B ar86 
by Greg Haerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
The manual page was written for Debian GNU/Linux, \(co 2006 Shyamal
Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. It is distributed under the terms of
the GNU General Public License version 2 (or any later version
released by the Free Software Foundation).

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