package wnpp
retitle 254244 RFP: daimonin -- online multiplayer role playing game
noowner 254244

I won't be attempting to package daimonin. Its not a complicate package, but has a couple of issues. I have free time, but I don't have a lot of it (and I'm not willing to spend that much time on this software).

The issues I found are:

1) Upstream is not very responsive. I got no response from the mail listed in their site. The address on the copyright author line bounces back. I did not try to web forums though.

2) This program is composed of several parts with mixed licenses. The client is main, editor and server contrib and data non-free. This is only a first impression, if you will me attempting to package this you should inspect the program deeper. I'm not sure what's the status of the art for the client.

3) The data package for the sever is, at best, non-free. Its a collection of contributions. Upstream seems to have some general guidelines for the license of these contributions, but I don't know if they force the contributors to accept these guidelines.

4) Its a mixture of languages/scripts: C++, Python and Java.


    .''`.                       | Lucas Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   : :ø :   Debian GNU/Linux    | Buenos Aires, Argentina
   `. `' |
     `-                         | PGP: 1024D/84FB46D6 |      5D25 528A 83AB 489B 356A
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