close #266614

* Debian Bug Tracking System ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [20060127 18:18]:

> This bug isn't reproducible on current systems, and does not
> make much sense anyway. If vte_terminal_new cannot be found,
> either libvte is not installed, or it is broken, or your dynamic
> linker is broken, or something else, but I guess it should be
> fixed by now if something has ever been there.

At the time I escaped forward and updated GNOME from experimental,
which made the bug go away.


    .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+''
 Kelemen Péter     /       \       /       \       /    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
.+'         `+...+'         `+...+'         `+...+'         `+...+'

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