As one of the mereged suexec bug reports sugests a set of alternative
suexec's with diferent doc_roots might be the ultimate solution...

In fact I've just had a thought as I write this. The apache2-common
continues to contain the standard suexec but another package lets call
it "apache2-alt-suexec" could contain an alternative  suexec (which is
put into place using dpkg-divert) and is modified to read the docroot
and other compile time settings from a config file under /etc/.

Anyway the pragmatic way to proceed at the moment would seem to be use:
dpkg-divert --divert /usr/lib/apache2/suexec.debian --rename
to move apache2-common's suexec out of the way and then replace it
with my own suexec compiled from the debian source.

The "patch" is a suggestion and request to add a few lines to the
debian/rules to make it simple for me and other admin to rebuild
suexec to our own tastes without having to rebuild all  the apache

For the time being I have implemented this as a makefile which
includes debian/rules but ultimatly it could be added(merged into) to
the debian rules file.

Anyway the file surules is atached. It can be used as follows:
apt-get source apache2
cd apache2-*
#copy attached file to debian/surules
#build my suexec
./debian/surules suexec SUEXEC_USERDIR=/my/prefered/doc/root
#divert installed suexec
sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/lib/apache2/suexec.debian --rename
sudo cp debian/build-tree/suexec/support/suexec /usr/lib/apache2/suexec
sudo chown root: /usr/lib/apache2/suexec
sudo chmod 4755 /usr/lib/apache2/suexec

Remember the divert will mean that the custom suexec will not be
clobbered on package upgrades... however you may want/need to repeat
the procedure (minus the call to dpkg-divert)  to rebuild and
reinstall the custom suexec to keep suexec in step with the rest of
the apache software.

Regards... And hope that surules or something like it one day makes it
into the debian source package?!?

Alex Owen

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Description: Binary data

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