tags 296562 moreinfo

hi ryszard,

to make sure i'm understanding this correctly:

On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 11:07:53AM +0100, Ryszard Lach wrote:
> If nagios (running with database) fails because of some bad reason (e.g. 
> hardware problem,
> segfault etc.) check_nagios_db doesn't claims that it's running. This is
> what happens if I 'kill -9' nagios' pid:

do you mean to say "check_nagios_db claims that it's running"?

> This makes check_nagios_db unusable for nagios-DB monitoring and forces
> the user to clear 'programstatus' table in database before nagios start.

so, again, to make sure i'm understanding your report:

if the nagios process crashes, but the database is still active, the
check_nagios_db script finds the database still up and says everything's
okay, but then doesn't check for the pid?  if so, that shouldn't be too
hard to change.


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