On Fri, 18 Mar 2005, Mike Brodbelt wrote:

> Package: passwd
> Version: 1:4.0.3-31sarge1
> Severity: minor
> "man 5 passwd" produces documentation that is not entirely accurate. The
> second paragraph contains the following text:-
> "The encryped password consists of 13 characters
> from  the  64  character  alphabet a thru z, A thru Z, 0 thru 9,
> . and /.  Refer to crypt(3) for details on how this string is
> interpreted."
> This information is clearly incorrect when the system is set to use MD5
> passwords, which is increasingly the case. There's also a typo in
> "encrypted".

Thanks for report.
English isn't my native language so it will be good if someone will verify
below patch before I'll commit this to shadow CVS tree.

Any volunteers on update non-english passwd(5) ? (pl is mine :o)

$ ls -1 */passwd.5

--- passwd.5    11 Dec 2004 20:05:01 -0000      1.13
+++ passwd.5    18 Mar 2005 20:25:48 -0000
@@ -48,9 +48,13 @@
 The password field may not be filled if shadow passwords have been enabled.
 If shadow passwords are being used, the encrypted password will be found in
-\fI/etc/shadow\fR. The encrypted password consists of 13 characters from the
-64 character alphabet a thru z, A thru Z, 0 thru 9, \. and /. Refer to
-\fBcrypt\fR(3) for details on how this string is interpreted.
+\fI/etc/shadow\fR. The encrypted password consists of characters from the
+64 character alphabet a thru z, A thru Z, 0 thru 9, \. and /. Optionaly it
+can start with "$" character. This mean encrypted password was generated
+using another (not DES) algorithm. For example if it start with "$1$" it means
+MD5-based algorithm was used.
+Refer to \fBcrypt\fR(3) for details on how this string is interpreted.
 The comment field is used by various system utilities, such as
 \fBfinger\fR(1). Three additional values may be present in the comment (END)

*Ludzie nie mają problemów, tylko sobie sami je stwarzają*
Tomasz Kłoczko, sys adm @zie.pg.gda.pl|*e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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