Package: installation-reports

Debian-installer-version:  Floppy images build on (20050323) from
uname -a:  Linux (none) 2.4.27-2-sparc32 #1 Tue Feb 15 00:11:41 PST 2005
sparc unknown
Date: 2005-03-24 14:24 CET (GMT+1)
        I booted from the floppy images, into expret mode
        I needed to speciefy, root=/dev/fd0
        when also the drivers were loaded the rest is done throug LAN
        everything is downloaded from using the
testing distribution
             Got the machine from someone, haven't got any documentation or
clue what what is
              I just love to try to get a good running Linux on it althoug I
am not a Linux "goeroe",
              I just know my way around google and some linux basics (with

              Here is a list of what I do know:

            Sun SparcStation5 (SS5 / sun4m?) with 170 MHz
            128 MB of ram
            Floppy Drive
            2 internal SCSI drives
                SCSI1 (0,1,0) (sda) 1.1 GB QUANTUM FB1080J SUN1.05
                SCSI1 (0,3,0) (sdb) 2.2 GB IBM DCAS32160 SUN2.1G
            1 extrnal UltraSCSI drive
                SCSI2 (0,6,0) (sbc) 18.1 GB SEAGATE ST318404L SUN18G (in a
Sun UltraSCSI casing)

            Extrenal SCSI is connected to a SBUS card which also has a
10/100Mbit lan port (HAPPYMEAL)

Processor:    SS5 (sun4m)
Memory:       128 MB
Root Device: SCSI
Root Size/partition table:
        Partition Table made with installer:
                 sda, one partition ext3 used as / (root)
                 sdb, one partition ext3 used as /home
                 sdc, three partitions
                        #1 8 GB used as /usr
                        #2 512 MB used as swap
                        #4 9.6 GB used as /var

Output of lspci and lspci -n:
        no lspci available on boot disks

Modules (auto) loaded:
        sunlance (for onbaord LAN)
        sunhme (for SBUS HappyMeal LAN card)
        esp        (for Sun Microsystems ESP SCSI)

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot worked:            [E]
Configure network HW:     [O]
Config network:                 [O]
Detect CD:                        []    No CD Drives
Load installer modules:       [O]
Detect hard drives:             [O]
Partition hard drives:          []    Already done previously (with
Create file systems:            []    Already done previously (with
Mount partitions:                [E]
Install base system:            [O]
Install boot loader:             [O]
Reboot:                             [E]


    Initial boot doesn't work propperly
    need to do root=/dev/fd0 otherwise no boot possible

    Mounting can't be done throug the installe menu's
     It always wan't to format the harddrive, or am I doning something wrong

    got some errors while booting, I thinks this is my own fault, as I
didn't format the disks,
    but just did a rm * -r afther mounting and before doing a base

    Warning: Your /etc/fstab does not contain the fsck passno field. I will
kludge around things for you,
     but you should fix your /etc/fstab file as soon as possible

    error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
object file: No such file or directory

    can't create /var/run/dhclient.eth0.leases: No such file or directory
    exiting. Faild to bring up eth0.

     /etc/init.d/rcS: line 1: cut: command not found
     /etc/init.d/rcS: line 29: [: =: unary operator expected
    /etc/init.d/rsC: line 24: /var/run/utmp: No such file or directory

     Initialising random number generator... urandom start: failed:

      at the end I get: Starting system log deamon: syslogd.
      but nothing happens for about 5 minutes so I stopped the computer.


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