Package: jikes
Version: 1:1.22-2

I just ran into this bug again building cocoon -

fis% ./
Copying 19 files to /home/jablko/cocoon-2.1.7/build/cocoon-2.1.7/classes
Copied 60 empty directories to 32 empty directories under /home/jablko/cocoon-2.1.7/build/cocoon-2.1.7/classes Compiling 547 source files to /home/jablko/cocoon-2.1.7/build/cocoon-2.1.7/classes Found 3 semantic errors compiling "/home/jablko/cocoon-2.1.7/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/flow/":
   577.         private WebContinuationsHolder continuationsHolder;
*** Semantic Error: The static type "org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.ContinuationsManagerImpl$HolderAwareW ebContinuation" must use a qualified name to access the non-static member type "org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.ContinuationsManagerImpl$WebContinuat ionsHolder" of the enclosing type "org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.ContinuationsManagerImpl".

I prepared the attached test case, which happily works with Sun's compiler & GCJ (hooray!) but fails to compile with Jikes

Thanks again!


 * Inner class access test case
 * This class compiles successfully using Sun's compiler (1.4) but fails using
 * Jikes -
 * fis% jikes-sablevm 
 * Found 1 semantic error compiling "":
 *      3.                 Bar bar;
 *                         ^-^
 * *** Semantic Error: The static type "TestAccess$Foo" must use a qualified 
name to access the non-static member type "TestAccess$Bar" of the enclosing 
type "TestAccess".
 * fis%
 * Is this bug already filed against Jikes?
 * What does GCJ do with this class?
public class TestAccess {
        static class Foo {
                Bar bar;

        class Bar {

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