package: fai
version: 2.8.4
severity: important


scripts/GRUB/10-setup fcopies an invalid /boot/grub/menu.lst and the 
fcopy-postinst script fixes this file, by running grub-installer with the 
data from $diskvar (/etc/fai/ - which doesn't exist on systems 
which were not installed with fai.

The easy workaround would be to test, if $diskvar exists before 
fcopying /boot/grub/menu.lst. But this doesn't work with "fcopy -r /" - 
therefore I propose a special class which only gets defined on fresh installs 
and move /files/boot/grub/menu.lst/GRUB to that class.

Another option would be to create $diskvar based on /proc/* and/or 
menu.lst/lilo.conf/yaboot.cfg before it is overwritten... - but I guess thats 
much more error-prone...

You could also sell it as a feature that softupdates doesnt touch the 


P.S.: #312296 is related

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