Bug#318658: quanta truncates targets of symlinks to empty files (0 bytes)

2005-11-02 Thread Christopher Martin
severity 318658 important stop I'm lowering the severity of thi bug, for several reasons. 1) It blocks kdewebdev from testing, even though the old testing package (reportedly) was the version with the problem. 2) It isn't clear that the problem is really in quanta at all, as the sftp kioslave

Bug#318658: quanta truncates targets of symlinks to empty files (0 bytes)

2005-10-12 Thread Christopher Martin
Scott Edwards wrote: > The justification for grave bug is more accurately described as "causes > data loss, and is only recoverable from backup medium". reportbug didn't > offer an accurate classification. Hello, Can you (or anyone else) test this issue with the quanta package in unstable? It w

Bug#318658: quanta truncates targets of symlinks to empty files (0 bytes)

2005-07-16 Thread Scott Edwards
Package: quanta Version: 1:3.3.2-6 Severity: grave Justification: causes non-serious data loss The justification for grave bug is more accurately described as "causes data loss, and is only recoverable from backup medium". reportbug didn't offer an accurate classification. Aftermath: (some files