François Soumillion wrote:
> package: xfce4
> version: 4.2.3
> Hi,
> I'm an happy xfce4 user for more than one year now.  I've a couple of
> problems since yesterday.
> 1/ When I right click on the desktop, I don't have the contextual menu 
> anymore.
> 2/ The background image has disappeared.  I checked the xfce4 settings
> and everything is correct there.
> 3/ My gnome-terminal is not transparent anymore.
> I hope I submitted to the right package.
Those problems are the symptoms that xfdesktop isn't running. Maybe it
crashed. Just run xfdesktop & in a terminal, and all will be fixed.

Remember to quit saving your session, for the next login :)

By the way, if this happened after launching nautilus, it's because by
default it takes over the desktop. You'll need to kill it before:

pkill nautilus

Then launch xfdesktop&, and next time remember to launch nautilus

Yves-Alexis Perez

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: grep -R fuck /usr/src/linux-2.6.14 | wc -l
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: grep -R luck /usr/src/linux-2.6.14 | wc -l

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