Package: mkreiserfs-udeb Boot medium: CD Image Version: ?? Linux 3.1r1 i386 binary 1 Date: 4 Feb 06 Machine: Compaq Presario 5050 Processor: Celeron Mendocino 334 mz Memory: est. 98meg ram Partitions: hda1 Primary ext3 33gig bootable hda5 Logical swap 287meg Output of lspci & lspci -n: ??? Base System Checklist: Initial boot: OK Configure network hardware: NA Configure network: NA Detect CD: OK Load Installer Modules: Hangs
Comments: Running without options, machine loads up to about 50%, then reports that it can no longer find a cdrom. Going back through the menu does not help; it will no longer detect the CD. Console 4 reports badmd5sum. Earlier reported that reiserfsprogs-udeb package doesn't exist. Console 1 reads mkreiserfs-udeb as last entry. Running with expert options, the stall point appears variable, depending on which installer modules I ask for. I have got it to go as high as 89% before it hangs. (Still complains that reiserfsprogs-udeb doesn't exist.) Any idea what's going on here, aside from the file that apparently is missing from the installation cd? Sincerely, John Slayton 260 Sundance Ct Azusa CA 626 969-9061