----- Forwarded message from "Christian E. Boehme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 22:44:05 +0200
From: "Christian E. Boehme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bug#360288: installation-report: Disk partitioning and making 
filesystems are two distinct tasks - NOT one!

On Sat, Apr 01, 2006 at 08:07:11AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:

> Please do not overflate bug severities

I don't.  I was choosing the one that best matched what I experienced.

> Please do not insult free software developers when you have not
> contributed yourself to the development (even if you have, this is
> rude behaviour).

Thank you, oh Holy Free Software Developers (TM) to save the world.
I was almost expecting a reaction like that which only shows how
pretentious some people within the movement have grown to become.

>                   This only risks to make us ignore your remarks and
> send them to the waste bin.

What's this:  Are you threatening me with the open refusal to talk
about your organization's software ?  I can take the ``risk'', no

> I suggest you consider running the installer in expert mode as you're

Please read the report again:  It said that I _did_ run it in expert
mode and therefore expected it to behave accordingly.

> obviously a deep expert of these thigns and choose to load the

This probably needs a bit of a deeper explanation.  What do you
expect people who take the ``expert'' route to Debian installation
to be ?  Recently converted PeeCee power lusers that claim to be
experts in the magic black art of BIOS command editing ?

> "partitioner" and "partconf" udebs which, IIRC, do pretty much exactly
> what you want.

Firstly, the only menu presenting me with options to load packages
did not contain any of the above.  Secondly, partitions are already
there including filesystems.  Why would I want to invoke a partitioner 
then ?  Also, at which point exactly does the installer allow me to do
what I described ?  I wasted hours to try every option presented in the
menu.  Irrespective of what I selected the installer bombed me back and
insisted on partitioning the disk which had already been done elsewhere
including filesystem creation.  I am certainly no expert in the debian
installer code (since I have never had the chance to have a look at it)
nor do I aspire to become one given the overloaded politics associated
with the organization.

> But, anyway, installing on existing filesystems is not supported

There was no talk about existing (Do you actually mean populated ?)
filesystems.  I spoke of a prepartitioned disk with filesystems ready
to be deployed in a Linux/PPC system.  Once again, disk partitioning
(ie, creating block/char devices) is totally distinct from filesystem

> because we don't want to guarantee that the installed system will work
> if these filesystems already contain data

So you _did_ mean populated filesystems, right ?  I was never talking
about such, however.

>                                          .....which means that the
> only supported way to do so would be installing on
> existing....empty...filesystems.

Which is exactly what I was trying to do but the installer refused
to allow.  Any thoughts ?

Finally, I suggest you run the installer yourself as I described (enter
expert at the yaboot prompt and have it only load the LVM package later
in one menu) to see what it does - or rather, fails to do.


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