Hi, I tried to add VTKs GUISupport for Qt to your packaging.
I already mentioned to you that in my oppinion it is not sufficient to either support Qt3 or Qt4, but plugins for both versions should be available. However, cmake doesn't like the idea of multiple Qt versions and forces to user to choose a single one. Therefore the problem was to reconfigure parts of the source tree without having to recompile everything. A number of my attempts to achieve this failed and I didn't understand every detail of your packaging, so I decided at some point to create a stripped-down version of the package that implements only the minimal infrastructure to see whether the above goal can be achieved. The attached diff contains my packaging with support for both qt3 and qt4. It builds cleanly using pbuilder and is (except for some more or less trivial stuff) lintian clean. I tried to use as much of debhelper as possible to keep the rules file simple and easy to understand. I did not try to support each and every thing that I found in your packaging. There is obviously a lot of stuff in it for specific reasons, which I do not know/understand. Please note, that a cmake version is needed that supports qt4. I did not lookup the first version that supports this, but instead added a build-dependency to cmake (>=2.4). As I see it, support for multiple python can be added in a similar way. The corresponding makefile targets should look similar to: install-python%: <clean stuff> cd THE_PYTHON_WRAPPING_DIR && \ cmake $(CURDIR) -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH:PATH=/usr/include/python$* \ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/python$*/config/libpython$*.so \ <other necessary flags> cd THE_PYTHON_WRAPPING_DIR && $(MAKE) VERBOSE=$(DH_VERBOSE) && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/python$*-support HTH. Bye, Michael -- GPG key: 1024D/3144BE0F Michael Hanke http://apsy.gse.uni-magdeburg.de/hanke ICQ: 48230050
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