On Thursday 17 August 2006 13:56, Chris Niekel wrote:
> Hi,
> You sent some patches for bug #380240 in the sn-package. You sent two
> versions, the first (fix-for-expiretime.diff) edits cron.daily and
> debian-config. The second (better-fix-for-expiretime.diff) just edits the
> debian-config.
> Did you want to make the NMU smaller, or do you think that this is
> overall the better approach?

Hi Chris,

as both debian-config and cron.daily are conffiles, every change must be 
merged manually by the system administrator if they have changed the files. 
Therefore it's better to leave conffiles unchanged, if not absolutely 
necessary. The change to debian-config is sufficient to correct the bug and 
prevent data loss; the changing of cron.daily has been made only to correct 
the documentation (where to look for snexpire(8)) and to add a second 
safety line -- which is strictly not needed.

> I'm back from vacation a little earlier, so you can still NMU, or I can
> prepare the package and you or my usual sponsor can sponsor.

Well, it's always better when the usual maintainer performs the upload. So I 
suggest that you prepare a new version for sn. In my NMU, I would have 
included the Vietnamese and Swedish debconf translations. I would ask you 
to include those translations as well in your next upload.

Unfortunately, I'm not a Debian Developer, so I cannot sponsor your upload. 
The fixing of this bug and the NMU would have been part of my Tasks & 
Skills examination by my Application Maintainer during my New Maintainer 


Tobias Toedter   | If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box
Hamburg, Germany | crashed ... Oh, wait a minute, he already does.

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