
Tapio Lehtonen
# translation of fi.po to Finnish
# translation of console-common/debian to Finnish
#    Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
#    documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
#    this format, e.g. by running:
#         info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
#         info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
#    Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
#            /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
#         or
#    Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
# Tapio Lehtonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: console-common\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-19 09:15+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-19 13:40+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Tapio Lehtonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../
msgid "Select keymap from arch list"
msgstr "Valitse nÀppÀinkartta arkkitehtuurilistasta"

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../
msgid "Don't touch keymap"
msgstr "ÄlÀ muuta nÀppÀinkarttaa"

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../
msgid "Keep kernel keymap"
msgstr "SÀilytÀ ytimen nÀppÀinkartta"

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../
msgid "Select keymap from full list"
msgstr "Valitse nÀppÀinkartta koko listasta"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid "Policy for handling keymaps:"
msgstr "NÀppÀinkarttojen kÀsittelytapa:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"The keymap describes how keys are laid out on your keyboard, and what "
"symbols (letters, digits, etc.) are drawn on them."
msgstr ""
"NÀppÀinkartta kuvaa miten nÀppÀimet on sijoitettu nÀppÀimistöön, ja 
mitÀ "
"symboleita (kirjaimia, numeroita jne.) niihin on piirretty."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"\"Select keymap from arch list\" will allow you to select one of the "
"predefined keymaps specific for your architecture - you will most likely "
"want this unless you have a USB keyboard."
msgstr ""
"\"Valitse nÀppÀinkartta arkkitehtuurilistasta\" pÀÀstÀÀ valitsemaan "
"laitearkkitehtuurille ennalta mÀÀriteltyjen nÀppÀinkarttojen joukosta "
"yhden.- luultavimmin haluat tÀmÀn paitsi jos kÀytössÀ on 

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"\"Don't touch keymap\" will prevent the configuration system from "
"overwriting the keymap you have in /etc/console.  Select this if you want to "
"keep a keymap you obtained through other means.  Please remember to install "
"new keymaps with install-keymap(8) if you select this choice."
msgstr ""
"\"ÄlÀ muuta nÀppÀinkarttaa\" estÀÀ asetukset tekevÀÀ sovellusta 
korvaamasta "
"hakemistossa /etc/console olevaa nÀppÀinkarttaa. Valitse tÀmÀ jos haluat "
"sÀilyttÀÀ muilla tavoin hankkimasi nÀppÀinkartan. Muista asentaa uudet "
"nÀppÀinkartat komennolla install-keymap(8) jos valitset tÀmÀn kohdan."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"\"Keep kernel keymap\" will prevent any keymap from being loaded next time "
"your system boots.  It will remove from /etc/console any keymap you may have "
"already selected (it will be lost), but if you have already loaded a keymap, "
"it cannot be changed back until you reboot."
msgstr ""
"\"SÀilytÀ ytimen nÀppÀinkartta\" estÀÀ mitÀÀn nÀppÀinkarttaa 
latautumasta "
"kun jÀrjestelmÀ seuraavan kerran kÀynnistyy. TÀmÀ valinta poistaa "
"hakemistosta /etc/console mahdollisesti jo valitun nÀppÀinkartan (se "
"poistetaan pysyvÀsti), mutta jos jokin nÀppÀinkartta on jo ladattuna, sitÀ 
"ei voi muuttaa ennen jÀrjestelmÀn kÀynnistystÀ."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"\"Select keymap from full list\" offers a full listing of all predefined "
"keymaps.  You want this, if you use an USB keyboard from a different "
"computer architecture or if you use an adapter to use such a keyboard."
msgstr ""
"\"Valitse nÀppÀinkartta koko listasta\" tarjoaa valittavaksi tÀyden "
"listauksen kaikista esimÀÀritellyistÀ nÀppÀinkartoista. Tarvitset tÀtÀ 
jos "
"kÀytÀt USB-nÀppÀimistöÀ jostain toisen laitearkkitehtuurin koneesta tai 
jos "
"kÀytÀt sellaista nÀppÀimistöÀ sovittimen kanssa."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../
msgid "Ignored boot-time keymap in an old location"
msgstr "Ohitettiin vanhassa paikassa ollut kÀynnistyksen aikainen 

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"You have asked the keymap configuration tool not to touch an existing keymap "
"you installed, or you asked for higher-priority questions only to be asked "
"and the tool decided not to mess with your existing setup."
msgstr ""
"Valitsit ettei nÀppÀinkartan asetuksia tekevÀ sovellus saa muuttaa "
"asentamaasi nÀppÀinkarttaa, tai valitsit vain tÀrkeÀmpiÀ asetuksia "
"kysyttÀvÀksi ja sovellus pÀÀtti olla sotkematta jo tehtyjÀ asetuksia."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"However, you have file(s) that were recognized as boot-time keymaps by older "
"versions of the console utilities, either in /etc/kbd/ or in /etc/console-"
"tools/, named default.kmap(.gz) and these are now ignored."
msgstr ""
"Vanhempien konsoliohjelmien kÀynnistyksen aikaisiksi nÀppÀinkartoiksi "
"tunnistamia tiedostoja on kuitenkin joko hakemistossa /etc/kbd/ tai /etc/"
"console-tools, nimeltÀÀn default.kmap(.gz) ja nÀmÀ tullaan nyt ohittamaan."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"If you wish that one of them takes effect on next reboot, you will have to "
"move it to /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz manually."
msgstr ""
"Jos haluat jonkin niistÀ tulevan kÀyttöön seuraavassa kÀynnistyksessÀ, 
on se "
"siirrettÀvÀ tiedostoksi /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz itse."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid "Keyboard layout family:"
msgstr "NÀppÀimistön perusnÀppÀinasettelu:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"Please specify the generic family name for your keyboard layout. Usually, "
"the layout family name is taken from the first keys on the left of the top "
"letters row of the keymap (this is at least true for qwerty and azerty "
msgstr ""
"Ensin on mÀÀritettÀvÀ perusnÀppÀinasettelu. Se nimetÀÀn tavallisesti "
"nÀppÀimistön vasemman ylÀnurkan kirjainnÀppÀinrivin mukaan (tÀmÀ 
pÀtee "
"ainakin qwerty ja azerty perusnÀppÀinasetteluille)."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid "Keyboard layout:"
msgstr "NÀppÀinasettelu"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"In order to refine your choice for a keymap, please mention the physical "
"layout of your keyboard."
msgstr ""
"NÀppÀinkartan valinnan tarkentamiseksi pitÀÀ tietÀÀ nÀppÀimistön 
todellinen "

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid "Keyboard variant:"
msgstr "NÀppÀinasettelun muunnos:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"The layout you selected has several variants.  Please select the one "
"matching your keyboard."
msgstr ""
"Valitulla nÀppÀinsijoittelulla on useita muunnoksia. Valitse 
nÀppÀimistöÀ "

#. Type: select
#. Description
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../ ../
msgid "Keymap:"
msgstr "NÀppÀinkartta:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"The keyboard you selected allows you to choose among several keymaps. "
"Usually these were designed either for specific tastes (eg. dead keys or "
"not), or for specific needs (eg. programmer's keymaps)."
msgstr ""
"Valittulla nÀppÀimistöllÀ on useita mahdollisia nÀppÀinkarttoja. "
"Tavallisesti nÀmÀ on suunniteltu mieltymyksiÀ vastaaviksi (esim. "
"tarkenÀppÀimet kÀytössÀ tai ei kÀytössÀ) tai erityistarpeisiin (esim. "
"ohjelmoijan nÀppÀinkartta)."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"If you use a keyboard from a different computer architecture, you can choose "
"a specific keymap in the full map."
msgstr ""
"Jos kÀytetÀÀn jonkin muun laitearkkitehtuurin mukaista nÀppÀimistöÀ, 
voidaan "
"nÀppÀinkartta valita koko listasta."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../
msgid "Are you ready for the ADB keycodes transition?"
msgstr "Onko valmista ADB-nÀppÀinkoodien muunnokseen?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"The kernel is configured to have the keyboard send ADB keycodes. This "
"behaviour is now deprecated and no longer supported by Debian."
msgstr "Ytimen asetuksien mukaan nÀppÀimistö lÀhettÀÀ 
ADB-nÀppÀinkoodeja. TÀtÀ kehoitetaan vÀlttÀmÀÀn ja Debian ei enÀÀ tue 

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"For best results you should reconfigure your kernel with "
"CONFIG_MAC_ADBKEYCODES=n. If you can't or don't want to do this for some "
"reason, pass keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes=1 as an argument to the kernel."
msgstr ""
"Paras tulos saadaan kun ytimen asetuksiin lisÀtÀÀn 
"Jos tÀtÀ ei jostain syystÀ voida tai haluta tehdÀ, vÀlitetÀÀn "
"keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes=1 tarkentimena ytimelle."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../
msgid ""
"Beware that the transition will most probably break your X configuration so "
"it is strongly recommended that you exit all X sessions now and adapt your "
"configuration afterwards (start \"dpkg-reconfigure console-data\" as root)."
msgstr ""
"Varo, sillÀ muunnos mitÀ todennÀköisimmin rikko X:n asetukset joten 
suuresti "
"suositellaan kaikkien X-istuntojen lopettamista nyt ja asetusten "
"muokkaamista myöhemmin (kÀynnistÀ pÀÀkÀyttÀjÀnÀ \"dpkg-reconfigure 

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