> I've substantially re-worked the package build, as well as updated the
> source so that it builds on the following kernel versions:

Great, you finished what I started, call me anytime now , I have bunch of stuff 
to be done :)

> I don't have time to become formal maintainer but I'm more than willing
> ...
> Would one of the subscribers to this bug please be willing to look at
> my updates and consider whether it's fit for an NMU ?

Yes a NMU would be fine, maybe you can contact dan...@d.org

He uploaded my previous version :

About me I can not test the driver anymore since I dont have that bewan modem

Thanks for all, Nick and others of this thread
Let's hope that unicorn will back in debian someday


  #  Philippe Coval     mailto:rzr[a]users.sf.net    pgp:0x467094BC  #
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