On Wed, Mar 12, 2008, Witold Baryluk wrote:
> It is possible that ldap server is not availble in early
> stage of botting. I have
>  passwd:         compat ldap
>  group:          compat ldap
>  shadow:         compat
> in /etc/nsswitch.conf

 That's possible indeed.

> In /var/log/auth.log this is raported:
> Mar  3 11:12:48 romeo dbus-daemon: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - 
> Server is unavailable

 Aha, interesting.

> but dbus isn't!
> # ps aux | grep dbus
> #

 Argh; that's problematic.  DBus was moved earlier in our init sequence,
 it's now started before networking.  It shouldn't need network access,
 but it might need NSS access (albeit I don't know immediately why).

 It would be nice to check whether NSS works to some extent for you when
 networking is stopped, but I don't know what uses of NSS dbus has ATM.
 I'd say it just changes UID.

 Could you try to run "getent passwd messagebus" and/or "getent passwd
 | grep messagebus" while networking is up and down?

Loïc Minier

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