Package: approx
Version: 2.03
Severity: wishlist

When synaptic downloads any very big package (for example kernel source
- 47 Mb - it is about 2-3 hours to download with my connection) - if it
was any trouble - lose of connection... or server on which approx works
was rebooted - the *.tmp file is losed - downloading begins from first
byte :(. What about continuing to download a *.tmp file (not removing it
 and creating again as now) if approx see that it is exists and not in
downloading by any other thread of approx?

P.S. i use approx 2.03 (the newest version in Ubuntu 6.10 repositories),
but i didn't see anything about this in changelog.

P.S.№2 sorry for bad English.

Best regards,
 Sagrer,        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gipat Group

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