Package: iptraf
Version: 3.0.0-3 2

Hi, i'm using Debian Etch and tried to run iptraf as root with the
following command:

iptraf -s eth0 -L ./fabiano.log -B

So it should run in background (-B), runing the TCP and UDP monitor in
the eth0 iface (-s eth0) and saving the results in the file
./fabiano.log. The program starts and goes to background, but nothing
is writed in the logfile (except by a header like "Wed Feb 21 19:09:16
2007; ******** TCP/UDP service monitor started ********"). I left the
process runing for as long as some hours (3 or 4 hours), and nothing.
I already tried to enable loging in the options, and setting the log
interval to 1 minute, but it fails anyway. I can give more info if you

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english


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