tag 431981 + upstream
clone 431981 -1
reassign -1 sun-java6-jre

Printing seems to be broken in Java.
Upstream bug report:


Synopsis: Java Printing: Default print service lookup problems when
running CUPS
State: In progress, bug

There are four different (partial?) workarounds reported, but I tried
some and they didn't help for me:

printing in other locales seems to fail because the lpstat output java
parses is localized and thus not recognized. Did not help.

2. CUPS_SERVER=localhost
Supposedly tells Java to use TCP to localhost instead of Unix domain
sockets. Did not help.

3. make a link /usr/lib/libcupsys.so
I tried LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libcupsys.so, and while the file appeared
in /proc/xxx/maps, it did not help either. I didn't try setting up the
symlink, which again requires root privileges.

4. Disable unix domain sockets for cups.
Did not try that one. Needs root permissions to change.

best regards,
Erich Schubert
   erich@(vitavonni.de|debian.org)    --    GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C    (o_
                Friends are those who reach out for                 //\
                  your hand but touch your heart.                   V_/_
          Ein schöner Moment leuchtet das Leben hindurch.

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