On mar, 2008-03-11 at 18:15 -0300, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> I just reproduced the problem with an empty test user. I created a
> user
> 'test', logged off from my regular session, and logged in with this
> new
> user. I moved the default XFCE bottom panel to the left side of
> the screen, then run avant-window-navigator, which told me that
> composition was not enabled. I enabled xfwm4's composition, run
> avant-window-navigator again and this time it started. The problem
> happens: no windows receive focus, so I cannot use any application. I
> need to close awn to be able to use any other window.

I kind of reproduced it with a fresh user too. Really weird. Well, I'll
check forward for the upstream patch and test. Stay tuned.


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