Package: mldonkey
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n patch


Attached debconf templates basque translation, please commit it.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: lenny/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (500, 'stable'), (1, 
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.24-1-686 (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=eu_ES.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=eu_ES.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash
# translation of eu.po to Euskara
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Piarres Beobide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: eu\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-02 18:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-14 10:27+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"Language-Team: Euskara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:1001
msgid "Bug #200500"
msgstr "Bug #200500"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:1001
msgid ""
"Previous versions of mldonkey-server suffer from a serious DFSG policy "
msgstr ""
"Aurreko mldonkey-server bertsioak DFSG politika hauste garrantzitsu "
"bat du."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:1001
msgid ""
"The plugin for the fasttrack protocol (e.g. used by kazaa) of mldonkey-"
"server was made with illegal coding practice. This version fixes the problem "
"by removing this plugin from the MLDonkey package. Any fasttrack sources "
"will be filtered out of your files.ini."
msgstr ""
"Fasttrack protokoloaren pluginak (adib kazaa-k erabili) legezkanpoko "
"kodeketa prozedura batez sortu zen. Bertsio honek arazo hori saihesten "
"konpontzen du plugin hori MLDonkey paketetik kenduaz. Zure files.ini "
"fitxategian egon liteken edozein fasttrack jatorri iragazia izango da."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:1001
msgid ""
"Your entire fasttrack upload will disappear with the next restart of the "
"mldonkey server."
msgstr ""
"Zure fasttrack igoera osoa desagertu egingo da mldonkey zerbitzaria "
"abiarazten duzun hurrengoan."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:1001
msgid "See /usr/share/doc/mldonkey-server/README.Debian for more information."
msgstr "/usr/share/doc/mldonkey-server/README.Debian begiratu argibide 

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:2001
msgid "Launch MLDonkey at startup?"
msgstr "MLDonkey abioan abiarazi?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:2001
msgid ""
"If enabled, each time your machine starts, the MLDonkey server will be "
msgstr ""
"Gaiturik dagoenean makina pizten den bakoitzean, MLDonkey zerbitzaria "
"abiarazia izango da."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:2001
msgid ""
"Otherwise, you will need to launch MLDonkey yourself each time you want to "
"use it."
msgstr ""
"Bestela, MLDonkey zure kabuz abiarazi beharko duzu erabili nahi duzun "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:3001
msgid "MLDonkey user:"
msgstr "MLdonkey erabiltzailea:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:3001
msgid "Define the user who will run the MLDonkey server process."
msgstr "Ezarri MLDonkey prozesua abiaraziko duen erabiltzailea."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:3001
msgid ""
"Please do not choose a real user. For security reasons it is better if this "
"user does not own any other data than the MLDonkey share."
msgstr ""
"Mesedez ez hautatu benetazko erabiltzaile bat. Segurtasun arrazoiak medio "
"hobe da erabiltzaile horrek MLDonkey partekatzeaz gain ez beste datuen jabea 

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:3001
msgid ""
"You will use this user account to share and get data from the peer-to-peer "
msgstr "Erabiltzaile hori parez-pareko sareetan partekatu eta datuak 
eskuratzeko erabiliko da."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:3001
msgid ""
"This user will be a system user (if created). You won't be able to login "
"into your system with this user name."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile hau sistema erabiltzaile bat izango da (sortzen bada). Ez 
duzu erabiltzaile honekin zure sisteman saioa hasteko aukerarik izango."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:4001
msgid "MLDonkey group:"
msgstr "MLDonkey taldea:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:4001
msgid "Define the group which will run the MLDonkey server process."
msgstr "Ezarri MLDonkey prozesua abiaraziko duen taldea."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:4001
msgid ""
"Please do not choose a real group. For security reasons it is better if this "
"group does not own any other data than the MLDonkey share."
msgstr ""
"Mesedez ez hautatu benetazko talde bat. Segurtasun arrazoiak medio "
"hobe da talde horrek MLDonkey partekatzeaz gain ez beste datuen jabea izatea."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:4001
msgid ""
"Users of this group can start and stop the MLDonkey server and can also "
"access the files fetched from the peer-to-peer networks."
msgstr "Talde honetako erabiltzaileek MLDonkey zerbitzaria abiarazi eta gelditu 
dezakete parez-pareko sareetatik deskargatutako fitxategiak eskuratzeaz gain."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:5001
msgid "Change the owner of old files?"
msgstr "Fitxategi zaharren jabea aldatu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:5001
msgid ""
"You have changed the MLDonkey user. You can change the ownership of your "
"files to the new user."
msgstr "MLDonkey erabiltzailea aldatu duzu. Zure fitxategien jabetza 
erabiltzaile berrira aldatu dezakezu."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:5001
msgid ""
"PS: the former user won't be deleted from /etc/passwd, you will have to do "
"it yourself later (e.g. with deluser(8)), or you keep it along with the old "
msgstr "OHARRA: erabiltzailea ez da /etc/passwd fitxategitik kenduko, hori zure 
kabuz egin beharko duzu beranduago (adib. deluser(8) erabiliaz), edo 
konfigurazio zaharrarekin mantendu dezakezu."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:6001
msgid "MLDonkey directory:"
msgstr "MLDonkey direktorioa:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:6001
msgid ""
"Define the directory to which the MLDonkey server will be chdired and "
msgstr "Ezarri MLDonkey zerbitzariak chrrot egin eta erabiliko duen 

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The .ini configuration files, incoming and shared directories will be in "
"this directory."
msgstr "*.ini konfigruazio fitxategiak, sarrera eta partekatutako direktorioak 
direktorio horretan egongo dira."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:6001
msgid ""
"Chroot support is not complete. For now, chroot is not possible, but it may "
"be enabled in the near future."
msgstr "Chroot onarpena ez dago osaturik. Oraingoz chroot egitea ezinezko da, 
baina aurki gaitu egin ahal izango da."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:7001
msgid "Move the old configuration?"
msgstr "Konfigurazio zaharra mugitu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:7001
msgid ""
"You have changed the mldonkey directory. You can move the old files to this "
"new directory."
msgstr "Mldonkey direktorioa aldatu duzu. Fitxategi zaharrak direktorio berri 
horretara mugitu daitezke."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:7001
msgid ""
"If you choose no, the old directory won't be deleted. You will have to do it "
msgstr "Ez hautatzen baduzu direktorio zaharra ez da ezabatu. Zure kabuz egin 
beharko duzu."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:8001
msgid "Niceness of MLDonkey:"
msgstr "MLDonkey eraginkortasuna:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:8001
msgid ""
"MLDonkey uses heavy calculation from time to time (like hashing very big "
"files). It should be a good idea to set a very kind level of niceness, "
"depending on what ressources you want to give to MLDonkey."
msgstr "MLDonkey-ek noizean behin kalkulu handiak egiten ditu (fitxategi oso 
handietako egiaztapenetan). Ideia ona da eraginkortasun maila ezartzea 
MLDonkey-ek erabiltzea nahi duzun baliabideen arabera."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:8001
msgid ""
"You can set values from -20 to 20. The bigger the niceness, the lower the "
"priority of MLDonkey processes."
msgstr "-20 eta 20 arteko balioak ezarri ditzakezu. Eraginkortasun beti eta 
handiagoa izan MLDonkey prozesu lehentasuna txikiagoa izango da."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:9001
msgid "Maximal download speed (kB/s):"
msgstr "Gehienezko deskarga abiadura (kB/s):"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Set the maximal download rate. It can be useful to limit this rate, in order "
"to always have a minimal bandwidth for other internet applications."
msgstr "Ezarri gehienezeko deskarga tasa. Erabilgarria izan daiteke tasa hau 
mugatzea beste internet aplikazioei konexioa zabalera gutxiengo bat 

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:9001
msgid ""
"It has also been noticed that a full use of the bandwidth could cause "
"problems with DSL connection handling. This is not a rule, it is just based "
"on a few experiments."
msgstr "Jakin dugu ere konexio zabalera guztia erabiltzeak arazoak sor 
ditzakeela DSL kudeaketarekin. Hau ez da arau bat, esperimentu gutxi batzuetan 
oinarriturik dago."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:9001 ../mldonkey-server.templates:10001
msgid "0 means no limit."
msgstr "0 erabiliz ez dago mugarik."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:10001
msgid "Maximal upload speed (kB/s):"
msgstr "Gehienezko igoera abiadura (kB/s):"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Set the maximal upload rate. You must keep in mind that a peer-to-peer "
"network is based on sharing. Do not use a very low rate."
msgstr "Ezari gehienezko igoera abiadura tasa. Kontutan izan parez-pareko 
sareak partekatzean oinarritzen direla. Ez erabili oso tasa baxuak."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Some networks calculate the download credit by the upload rate. More upload "
"speed means more download speed."
msgstr "Zenbait sarek deskarga ahalmena igoera tasaren arabera kalkulatzen 
dute. Igoera abiadura handiagoak deskarga abiadura handiagoa esan nahi du."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:10001
msgid ""
"As for the download speed, you should limit this rate so that you can still "
"use the internet even when MLDonkey is running."
msgstr "Deskarga abiadurarekin bezala tasa hau mugatu behar duzu MLDonkey 
martxan dagoen bitartean internet erabili nahi baduzu."

#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:11001
msgid "Password of admin user:"
msgstr "Administrazio erabiltzailearen pasahitza:"

#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:11001
msgid ""
"As of version 2.04rc1, a new user management appears. The password is "
"encrypted and stored in downloads.ini."
msgstr "2.04RC1 bertsioan erabiltzaile kudeaketa berri bat agerzen da. 
Pasahitza downloads.ini fitxategian gorde eta enkriptatzen da."

#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:11001
msgid ""
"If you want to add a new user for MLDonkeys user management or want to "
"change the password, refer to /usr/share/doc/mldonkey-server/README.Debian."
msgstr "MLDonkey erabiltzaile berri bat gehitu nahi baduzu erabiltzaile 
kudeaketara edo pasahitza aldatu nahi baduzu, ikusi 

#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:12001
msgid "Retype password of the admin user:"
msgstr "Berriz idatzi administrazio erabiltzailearen pasahitza:"

#. Type: password
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:12001
msgid "Please confirm your admin's password."
msgstr "Mesedez berretsi administratzailearen pasahitza."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:13001
msgid "Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Pasahitzak ez dira berdinak"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:13001
msgid "The two password you enter must be the same."
msgstr "Idatzitako bi pasahitzak berdinak izan behar dira."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../mldonkey-server.templates:13001
msgid "You will be asked until you can provide the same password twice."
msgstr "Berriz eskatuko aizu pasahitz berdina bi alditan eman arte."

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