Package: liferea
Version: 1.4.15-1
Severity: wishlist

Xulrunner is close to being updated to 1.9 and liferea needs changes
to support it.

Please refer to
for a description form xulrunner's maintainers about the required
packaging changes.

Ubuntu has patches for this change, they could be used but please
check them for compliance with the above guidelines. These patches
*break* building against 1.8, which makes them unacceptable upstream.

Please raise this bug's severity and mark it as a FTBFS as soon as
xulrunner 1.9 is uploaded to unstable.

I will very likely not be able to handle this issue for about a
month. Please NMU with care.

Rodrigo Gallardo
GPG-Fingerprint: 7C81 E60C 442E 8FBC D975  2F49 0199 8318 ADC9 BC28

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