I'm a packagekit and kpackagekit developer. (www.packagekit.org)
i was going to contact dbus packgers people but i found a bug that
has what i need.

i'll try to explain why not restart Dbus:

* Fist of all dbus should be treated like a kernel? sould stupid?
but you can't (ok i know there are ways to do it) upgrade your kernel
and don't do a restart.

* gdm > 2.22 or greater will kill you login session.

* policykit a program that is getting wide used, creates a session
every time you login on kdm or gdm, if you restart Dbus it will never come back.

* and in our case we use dbus to have a very good design in security and
transparency for the user and a developer application.
how it works? well if you don't know packagekit has a wide range of backends
so you will be able to manage software the same way (in the user poit of view)
on ANY distro. Fedora 9 already uses it. ALL the comunication between 
packagekit and the user interface is made using DBUS.
So if you restart DBUS the ui is not able to respond to the current request
and the user got's confused.
AND in the most common case doing a system update using packagekit ui
will end up with a ui stuck and it never concludes the updates...

If the user kills the updates ui, he will never be able again to 
install/remove ANY packages WHY? because polkit the program that
gives him the right to do admin tasks was killed by a restart.

Please don't think that only m$ should do restart, on m$98
if you hold the shift (not sure if this was the key) the os
did not restart completely.

if restarting is a m$ thing why should you restart a running program??
tell it to re read it's config file (i also think it's unecessary).

So please consider not doing this restart anymore. you will be crashing
too many things, it's like to unplug a pendrive while it's copying...

the application don't know what to do and some of then could do nothing!

Ah i remember more one problem:
IF dbus is not able to start again due this update a kde user will not be able
to use shortcuts, nor see popups messages... it all Depends on DBUS.
and to finish my huge email :)

Dbus was made for desktop users (freedesktop.org), so you can't have
a power user to be able to start dbus by hand cause it failed to start...

please add my email if this is not automatic,
and please don't see this like an angry or ofence email.
It's just that there are a bounch of projects that rely on Dbus
and doing so is breaking everything.


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