
On Tue, 2008-08-19 at 01:49 +0300, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> how about adding a sticky button to virtual keyboard that will make
> the next click use right button? Hardcoding this in X does not sound
> like a nice solution if it can be avoided at all.

then you always have to open a keyboard to create a rightclick and you
are mixing x-applications and x-drivers. doing this in a lower layer
offers the chance to solve the problem completly and not for qt, gtk or
whatever again and again.

we should better so this dicussion here, so every one can participate in

 Sebastian Ohl

 Sebastian Ohl              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Juliusstr. 3               Tel +49 531 7998221
 D-38118 Braunschweig       Mobil +49 172 1837678

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