Olin Shivers has agreed that emacs/cmulisp.el can be distributed without the 
no-ads clause, in message:

<qijr5xmjtgs.wl%shiv...@mongkok.dyndns.org> on scheme-48-b...@s48.org

I will no longer repack the upstream tarball in the next release of scheme48. 
The full content of the message follows:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Olin Shivers <shiv...@mongkok.dyndns.org>
Date: Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: Non-free file in scheme48 source emacs/cmulisp.el
To: dmoer...@gmail.com
Cc: scheme-48-b...@s48.org

At Tue, 09 Jun 2009 10:42:49 +0200,
dmoer...@gmail.com wrote:
I currently maintain scheme48 in Debian. I just wanted to inform you that there 
is one file in the source with an invariant clause inconsistent with scheme48's 
3-clause BSD license.

emacs/cmulisp.el has a license that prohibits distribution for money:

;;; Copyright Olin Shivers (1988).
;;; Please imagine a long, tedious, legalistic 5-page gnu-style
;;; notice appearing here to the effect that you may use this code any
;;; way you like, as long as you don't charge money for it, remove this
;;; notice, or hold me liable for its results.

I was unable to contact Olin Shivers to get the license changed.[1]

Obviously you might not really care if this file is still in the sources
since the intent of the license seems to suggest that it should be
consistent with 3-clause BSD, but I just wanted to give you a heads-up in
case you weren't aware of it and/or could perhaps contact Olin to ask him
about the status of the license. For the Debian package I have rebuilt the
tarball to remove this file.

I'm perfectly happy for you to distribute that code under the Debian-approved

As Jonathan remarked, the original versions of these modes (comint, shell,
etc.) that I wrote in the 80's got messed up when the Gnu folks folded it
into gnu-emacs, at the direction of RMS. Alas.

Daniel Moerner <dmoer...@gmail.com>

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