Package: ldm
Version: 2:2.0.6-4
Severity: wishlist

I'd like to use ltsp in primary schools for children that can not read
and write yet. 
In the past I've used gdm with its "Face browser" feature, using also
pam to allow some "faces" login without password. 
Migrating to ltsp makes me need some similar feature with ldm, otherwise
small children will not be able to use the computers as youngest kids
can not read or they're still learning to read or write.

You can see an example of my previous gdm login at .

I know kdm can also manage faces, so it's not a weird option. It would
be great adding such feature to ldm, or at least, some icon to be able
to login without typing a login user (for the password it can be avoided
using pam).

José L.

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