Bug#510910: dphys-config: backslash characters stripped from postinstall commands

2009-05-18 Thread Neil Franklin
-- Neil Franklin, n...@franklin.ch.remove http://neil.franklin.ch/ Hacker, Programmer, El.Eng HTL/FH/BSc, Martial Arts, Meditation, Anime Gewalt, und Drohung damit, ist das letzte verbleibende Mittel dummer ungebildeter Leute ohne anderer Perspektive - GPL ist Gewaltandrohung -- To UNSUB

Bug#510910: dphys-config: backslash characters stripped from postinstall commands

2009-05-18 Thread Axel Beckert
tag 510910 + confirmed fixed-upstream kthxbye Hi Bernard, thanks for your bug report. It's indeed a bug. This bug and two similar ones have been fixed upstream recently. There will be a new upstream release soon and after that a new package will be uploaded to unstable, too. Reg

Bug#510910: dphys-config: backslash characters stripped from postinstall commands

2009-01-05 Thread debian-bugs-2009
> To get the desired behaviour the following must be put in dphys-config.list: > etc/bash.prompt:/:grep -q /etc/bash.prompt /etc/bash.bashrc || echo -e > '\\nsource /etc/bash.prompt\\n'+>> /etc/bash.bashrc That is a typo. I meant to say:- To get the desired behaviour the following must be put i

Bug#510910: dphys-config: backslash characters stripped from postinstall commands

2009-01-05 Thread Bernard Boudet
Package: dphys-config Version: 20061020-1 Severity: normal Example: The file dphys-config.list contains the following line: etc/bash.prompt:/:grep -q /etc/bash.prompt /etc/bash.bashrc || echo -e '\nsource /etc/bash.prompt\n' >> /etc/bash.bashrc This should result in the following command being