retitle 516097 Please implement --ignore-inaccessible
severity 516097 wishlist

On Thursday 19 February 2009, Peter Palfrader wrote:
> on etch:
> wea...@simona:~$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk 90 95 | tr ';' '\n' |
> grep test /mnt/test/mountpoint 86396 MB (60% inode=98%)
> 60476 /mnt/test/mountpoint=56382MB
> wea...@simona:~$ sudo chmod o-rx /mnt/test
> wea...@simona:~$ stat /mnt/test/mountpoint
> stat: cannot stat `/mnt/test/mountpoint': Permission denied
> wea...@simona:~$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk 90 95 | tr ';' '\n' |
> grep test /mnt/test/mountpoint 11435 MB (19% inode=96%)
> 60476 /mnt/test/mountpoint=45969MB
> The 11435MB come from some other random mountpoint (The one just previous
> in the list).

so as discussed on IRC, adding an option "--ignore-inaccessible" would be 

With kind regards, Jan.
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