Quoting Felipe Castro (fef...@gmail.com):

> I have already tried to get some feedback from the Esperanto team with
> other translations, but it seems that there aren't many people there
> with time enough to read the work of others. The previous translator
> did his job when he was "learning" the language, so many mistakes
> still were present in the last translation. Then I did a complete
> revision of all his work, besides translating the missing strings.
> Then, it is not just a matter of style. I have corrected many things
> there.
> But if you prefer to wait a little bit, I may forward the file to the
> Esperanto team list to try to have some discussion about it before you
> upload officialy.

Steve, based on the work done by Felipe for D-I translations for which
no complaints came as of now, I think we can safely assume that his
corrections are certainly correct.

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