Package: aptitude
Severity: minor

The man page says "why" can use patterns,

           If one or more <pattern>s are present, then aptitude will begin its 
search at these patterns; that is, the
           first package in the chain it prints will be a package matching the 
pattern in question. The patterns are
           considered to be package names unless they contain a tilde character 
("~") or a question mark ("?"), in which
           case they are treated as search patterns (see the section "Search 
Patterns" in the aptitude reference


# aptitude search ~o~niml
i   imlib-base
i A imlib1
# aptitude  why ~o~niml
E: No package named "~o~niml" exists.
# aptitude  purge ~o~niml
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  imlib-base{p} imlib11{p}

"why" even fails when the pattern only matches one package, and even
only one tilde, and even:

# aptitude search '?name(noffle)'
i   noffle
# aptitude why '?name(noffle)'
E: No package named "?name(noffle)" exists

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