Package: mutt
Severity: important
Version: 1.5.18-6+b1


Glad that the docs are updated [1] to reflect that exim4 does not strip Bcc
headers (which I just confirmed with a field test of just under 200 people who
are now pissed to have their email addresses published...), but I would still
appreciate it if the default configuration would work. The arguments that were
posted after #304718 was closed [2] actually still apply.

Considering that people really expect their Bcc to work, and making it not
work is quite a critical failure with all sorts of privacy issues, I would
really like to see a solution for this. The obvious solution would be to unset
write_bcc again, also considering that it is not at all clear whose task
removing Bcc headers really is. Saying exim or the MTA should do this is fine
from a theoretical point of view, but as long as they're not doing it (and not
doing it intentionally, see [3] and [4])

In cases like these, I'd rather have a default setting that does double work
in some cases, than a setting that might not remove the Bcc headers in some

I understand that it makes sense to stick to the upstream default
configuration in this case, but perhaps this should be taken up with upstream
as well?




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