Installing the new package mdadm 3.0-3.1 fixes this bug. Bug #541884
closes this bug.

I upgraded my mdadm 3.0-2 to 3.0-3.1 and now I am able to boot again.
This wasn't possible anymore after having upgraded udev.

If you trashed your system with mdadm 3.0-2 installed and a
dist-upgrdade to udev 146-1 or later, you can do the following to be
able to boot again:

- boot a live CD like grml
- start your disks (using software raid try: Start mdadm-raid)
- mount them as it is in your system usually under /mnt/<your disk>
- prepare for a chroot:
        - mount -o bind /dev /mnt/<your disk>/dev
        - mount -t proc none /mnt/<your disk>/proc
        - mount -t sysfs none /mnt/<your disk>/sys
- start chroot /mnt/<your disk> /bin/bash
- download and dpkg --install mdadm_3.0-3.1_...
- exit the chroot and reboot

This fixed it for me.

Regards, Adrian.

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