
yasm 1.1.0 is out since more than a half year. In this week Mozilla
decide to use jpeg-turbo in its development branch of Firefox.
Unfortunately, I use this branch to build nighly snapshots of
Thunderbird[1] and couldn't do this anymore.
There are two bugreports on Mozilla[2][3]. This Report[2] explain the missing
of yasm > 0.8 in Debian and the infinite loop problem (the build of
Firefox/Thunderbird stops with out of memory) of version 0.8.0.

So I build yasm 1.1.0 on my own and it didn't took me more than a half
hour. All shipped checks run successfully on amd64.

If you need some help with yasm, drop me a note.


[1] http://4949.de/~chris/shredder
[2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=573948
[3] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=646254

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