Package:  installation-reports
 (In case of formatting issues; Composed in OpenOffice .odt v3.1.0 ,
emailed with Firefox 3.6.8 )

My new filename:

Boot method: DVD install.
Image version: Full URL to image downloaded. Only the first DVD 1 of
the set is required.
Date: 09 December 2010.

Installing from debian squeeze di b2 i386 Bin-1 ( Beta 2, Beta-2 )

gives the same symptoms as Beta-1 install :-

Using graphical installer:

Scan another CD or DVD?   (No)  ( I used the first dvd only, to
reproduce the symptom.)

I am trying to boot from a raid 1 (mirror) set, md2 = /boot,  md0 =
/swap, md1 = /. See above for details.

I installed the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record.
Finish the installation : Installation complete, so it is time to boot
into your new system...
The hardware post and bios progress ok.
When the bios hands over to continue the ipl from a hard disk it seems
unsuccessful, it  just waits.

*** This is where the install fails. It does not boot up into the
newly installed system. ***

I repeated the install up to, but not setting passwords, to the dd-mm
(Debian Installer-Main Menu) to:
Check the CD-ROM(s) integrity.   (On the same target machine.)

Integrity test successful. The CD-ROM is valid.
The squeeze di b2 i386 Bin-1 dvd integrity passed ok.

Thank you for any help to get my raid 1 booting.  Regards,   McTech.

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