Regarding Bug #607301 No Grub Boot,  relation to Bug #622224 No Grub
Subject: no changelogs created.
Grub file sets effected are Debian web site grub2 1.99~rc1-6  to rc1-12 .

Quick changing daily Grub Release Candidate files are effected by this.
To make Grub maintainers aware, and also to check I am using the
correct list. On 11.04.2011
I submitted a notice just for the Grub files effected that I went to look at.
a 'BROKEN LINKS notice'  for Debian Grub-pc and Grub-rescue-pc  to
I received a response email back highlighting known bug #622224.

A summary of my submission to debian-www is:-
I was hoping to use the following Debian links for: 1.99~rc1-6 to: rc1-12
but there is no Debian web site grub2 1.99~rc1-6  to rc1-12 changelog text yet.
Changelog link is positioned at the right hand side column called
'Debian Resources'.
for package pages:   and

Changing subject back to fault finding bug #607301.
Another observation whilst using Debian grub-rescue-cdrom 1.99~rc1-6
 to find my /dev/sda1 from the grub-rescue-cdrom command line:

grub> ls
(cd) (cd,msdos1) (fd0)

My note: This last ls command takes 3 minutes and 37 seconds
to complete on my machine.
(cd) (cd,msdos1) (fd0) is displayed instantly,
along with the flashing cursor at the end of the same line.
the command completion is signified 3 mins, 37 secs later by:-
the cursor doing a 'carriage return and line feed' to display:
 grub> -    ( The flashing cursor appearing on this next line.)
I assume that grub is searching unsucessfully for other devices,
such as my /sda, then eventually times out.

For more  previous detailed information on Debian bug #607301 at:-
I achieved 13 hits when I tried just now.  The reason ?
Some of my entries have either been reallocated and or closed.
In my mind incorrectly, but in good faith. It's not a problem to me.
Either way, there is more of my own work details and results in them.

07.04.2011 To correct one mistake I made in my earlier posting.
While I experimented with grub-rescue-cdrom 1.99~rc1-6 again
and editing the default 'GNU/Linux','Booting a command list' to:-

echo 0 setparams 'GNU/Linux'
echo 1
echo 2 set root=(hd0,1)
echo 3
echo linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1
echo 4 initrd /initrd.img

booting with F10 followed by a quick press of
the Pause/Break key on the keyboard to stop the
screen output timing out and disappearing, gave:

 "  Booting a command list

0 setparams GNU/Linux
2 set root=(hd0,1)
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1
error: hd0 cannot get C/H/S values.
5 initrd /initrd.img

Press any key to continue...  "

So the  'error: hd0 cannot get C/H/S values'
message resulted from the stanza
 ' linuz /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 '
probably due to the ' set root=(hd0,1) ' stanza, not working.
I am 'best effort' guessing here, I just do not know.

This corrects my mistake with my previous post on this observation

Pressing the Tab key on the keyboard to use the
 'command completion' facility while editing the stanza:-
set root=(     as in    set root=([TAB]    gives:-
" Possible devices are:
 cd fd0                 "

Other than keep trying the latest code, does anybody
have any ideas what other information I should provide,
for me to help progress a resolution to my symptom :-

error:  hd0 cannot get c/h/s values     please ?

Again, thanks to all. Regards, McTech.

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