My appologies Julien. Thank you for your feedback.
My report could have been a lot easier for all to read.
I am learning, and will strive to do better next time.
 To save your time, there is no need to comment, unless you want to.
Installing with the Debian-Installer
After using the Debian-Installer, please send us an installation report,
even if there weren't any problems.
Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide. The Debian Installer team
5.4. Troubleshooting the Installation Process
5.4.6. Submitting Installation Reports
<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments
 and ideas you had during the initial install.>

Mctech wrote: My thoughts, comments and ideas had during the install.
> Package: installation-reports
>         [O] = OK. [E] = Error
> Overall install:   [E]  Won't auto boot into new installed system.

> Comments/Problems:

> ... 'grub-install /dev/mdo fails (raid-1)' ...
> is very relevant to my  'Unable to boot from raid1' symptom situation ...

> The same symptoms since installing Beta1, Beta2 and now
> Debian-squeeze-di-RC1-i386  Release Candidate 1.
> (jump to my summary “Finally...”
>  at the end of this entry below and return here.) ...

> Finally, This report is just for my perceived driver issue...

> I believe this bug#606035  'grub-install /dev/mdo fails (raid-1)' fix
> is very relevant to my  'Unable to boot from raid1' symptom situation.

> My reporting above therefore reflect the symptoms of bug#606035 as
> well, but not to be addresed here in this installation report by me.
> This report is just for my perceived driver issue.

> 'HighPoint 370 series PCI ATA Controllers'.
>    If we are still waiting for Pata_hpt37x maybe,
Q. > which driver should the software be choosing to install ?

I now know hp366 should have been and WAS selected in squeeze di RC2.

>    *** There is no sign of module hp37x,
>    for the ( hp370, hpt370,  hpt 370, hpt-370 ) ***

Q. > Is this as it should be ?

Answer: Yes.
I now know it is in Experimental, although I have not checked yet.

>    or is this the cause of ONE of my fault symptoms ? I do not know.
Q. > Which piece of software is responsible for picking the
   > GNU/Linux driver hpt366 ?

Answer: I do not know, but is currently an irrelevant question.

> I think my bug report MAY be valid.
> If not, I appologise in advance if I am wasting people's time.
> Currently, I do not have the needed experience to take this further
> AND achieve the Debian imminent release timescales.

I am now more enlightened.

If my next text piece here, is cross posting, then I do understand
 'cross posting' is fround upon. I do it to make life easier.
It is for readers convenience Julien, here are some brief exerpts from
one di installation-report I filed as :-  Debian Bug#606416
> Package:  installation-reports
> No boot from  raid1 partition on debian-squeeze-di-beta1 new install.
(For this same machine, more details way above).
> Machine: Motherboard: 'A bit' KT7, Raid, 1 Ghz, 1Gb SDRAM.
> Processor: AMD AThlon K7
> ****
> DASD chip: On-motherboard HPT370 raid controller 2001.
> ( hardware raid) (Fake raid I believe ?)
> Is not used by me for 'HARDWARE raid '. The intention is to use the
> HPT370 for Debian GNU/Linux MDADM 'SOFTWARE raid' mode 1 (mirroring)
> using Debian-GNU/Linux-Squeeze-di-RC2-i386  soon to be Debian V6.
> ****

> Comments/Problems:

> Using graphical installer:

> The CD or DVD with the following label has been scanned:
> Debian GNU/Linux squeeze-di-beta1_Squeeze_-Official Beta i386 DVD
> Binary-1 20101027-01:46
> If you wish to scan another CD or DVD, please insert it now.
> Scan another CD or DVD?   (No)

> Trying to boot from a raid 1 (mirror) set.
> I installed the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record.
> "Finish the installation : Installation complete, so it is time to boot
> into your new system... "
> The hardware post and bios progress ok, but when bios hands over to
> continue the ipl from a disk, it just waits.
> *** This is where the install fails.
> It does not auto boot up into the newly installed system. ***
END of excerpts from Debian Bug#606416.

Thank you again Julien for your feedback. Regards,  McTech.

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