
Since my previous message to this bug-report on 6 May 2011, I removed the 
"aptitude hold" of libcairo2 to version 1.8, as I noticed that at some point 
Iceweasel stopped crashing with the 1.10.

But now I am migrating to Chromium, and faced the same problem again. When 
starting Chromium in an Xvnc4 session, an attempt to switch tabs while not all 
tabs have finished loading their pages yet, very often results in Chromium 
crashing with the same "_pixel_to_solid: Assertion `!"reached"' failed" message.

Rolling back to libcairo2 version 1.8 is not an option anymore, because all of 
GTK 3 depends on the version 1.10.

I have found a different solution, specifically commenting out the offending 
ASSERT_NOT_REACHED in cairo-1.10.2/src/cairo-image-surface.c line 1320 (and 
rebuilding & installing the built package). This while not being a proper fix, 
seems to be enough to at least eliminate the Chromium crashes for me.

With respect,

"Stallman had a printer,
with code he could not see.
So he began to tinker,
and set the software free."

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