Package: kolabd

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Neil Price <>
Date: 2011/3/31
Subject: [pkg-kolab] kolab-cyrus and pts/ldap

kolab/cyrus package excludes the pts binaries (cyrus-imapd package
also does this) on squeeze. So I'm not sure if this can be classified
as a bug.

pts/ldap is an alternative to the horrible kolab imapd.groups hack for
group permissions on shared imap folders.

Here is how to add the binaries:

apt-get source kolab-cyrus-imapd
cd kolab-cyrus-imapd-2.2.13/

Modify debian/rules
add this
        --with-ldap=/usr \
        --with-auth=pts \

 Add this to debian/kolab-cyrus-imapd.install

 Build the package
 dpkg-buildpackage -B
(install devel packages as needed)


 Add this in the SERVICES section
        ptloader        cmd="ptloader"
listen="/var/run/cyrus/socket/ptsock" prefork=1

make directories for ptclient
mkdir /var/lib/cyrus/ptclient/
chown cyrus:mail /var/lib/cyrus/ptclient/

edit  /etc/kolab/templates/imapd.conf.template by adding this:

auth_mech:              pts
pts_module:             ldap
ptscache_timeout:       10
ptloader_sock:          /var/run/cyrus/socket/ptsock
ldap_group_base:        @@@base_dn@@@
ldap_member_base:       @@@base_dn@@@
ldap_scope:             sub
ldap_realm:             @@@postfix-mydomain@@@
@@@postfix-mydestination|join( )@@@
ldap_group_filter:      (&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn=%U))
ldap_sasl:              0
ldap_member_method:     filter
ldap_member_filter:     (&(objectclass=posixGroup)(memberUid=%U))
ldap_member_attribute:  cn
# size limit determines the max number of groups a user may be
# in before authentication fails
ldap_size_limit:        64

You can now use an acl of group:groupname in cyradm

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