Hello, I am the developer of Xye. It is a coincidence because I've been
planning to finally get rid of the copied sprites in the next version.

Classic and xmas are the skins that have copied sprites. default and clean
look similar but are completely redrawn using Inkscape. I plan to replace
the color scheme in default/clean  so that it looks less like the original
in the future.

Meanwhile, for debian's policy it would be better to remove the following
files from the package:
- kye.png
- kye32.png
- kye32_luminosity.png
- kye_luminosity.png
- kye_icon.png
- classic.xml
- classic32.xml

>From the res folder AND also every file in that folder that contains "xmas"
in its name.

These sprites are not needed by Xye to run.

Legally the game has become abandonware

PS: Python Kye (The game from moria.org.uk ) is a different clone with its
own set of free sprites that does not use the original ones.

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