tag 649094 - wontfix
tag 649094 + moreinfo

I've applied the patch locally for bi-arch conversion but I can't
produce any difference in the behaviour of dpkg-cross for the bi-arch
packages I tested.

Which packages are actually demonstrating the problem and what command
line was given to either xapt (originally) or dpkg-cross to reproduce
the problem and test the patch?

Also, what version of dpkg-cross was tested? At the time that the
original bug was opened against xapt 2.2.17 in November 2011, 2.2.18
was already available in unstable and testing.

The quoted 2.6.9ubuntu2 version from raring and the powerpc.deb
attached to the LP bug produce the same output for me with or without
the patch:

dpkg-cross 2.6.10 (experimental)

I need to be able to verify the bug and the effect of the patch before
I can upload a new version to bring the changes from experimental into


Neil Williams

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