Bug#650726: apt-cacher-ng: starts before bind9 - can't resolve BindAddress

2011-12-17 Thread Richard Boardman
Eduard Thanks for this. I've tested the new init file and it works perfectly, as expected, with apt-cacher-ng starting after bind9: root@host:~# ls -l /etc/rc*.d/*bind9 ... /etc/rc0.d/K02bind9 -> ../init.d/bind9 ... /etc/rc1.d/K02bind9 -> ../init.d/bind9 ... /etc/rc2.d/S17bind9 -> ../init.d/bind9

Bug#650726: apt-cacher-ng: starts before bind9 - can't resolve BindAddress

2011-12-12 Thread Eduard Bloch
tags 650726 + pending thanks New init file attached, test it if you like to. Thanks, Eduard. #! /bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: apt-cacher-ng # Required-Start:$local_fs $network $remote_fs # Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $remote_fs # Should-Start: bind9 # Default

Bug#650726: (apt-cacher-ng: starts before bind9 - can't resolve BindAddress)

2011-12-10 Thread Richard Boardman
Further to this: I found that for insserv to order things correctly, a resolver facility should be available before apt-cacher-ng starts, but only if one is provided. The $named facility seems safe, as insserv.conf defines all its dependencies as optional. Including "# Should-Start: $named"

Bug#650726: apt-cacher-ng: starts before bind9 - can't resolve BindAddress

2011-12-02 Thread Richard Boardman
Package: apt-cacher-ng Version: 0.5.1-3 Severity: important Tags: d-i apt-cacher-ng runs on the same server as bind9. In /etc/apt-cacher-ng/acng.conf, BindAddress is configured as 'localhost' and server FQDN. In /etc/rc*.d/ apt-cacher-ng starts (at S16) before bind9 (at S17), so the server FQDN ca