Bug#678719: xen-utils-common: please label all created directories for SE Linux

2012-06-28 Thread Laurent Bigonville
Hi, Since you are creating the directory you should ensure that the correct permission are set to it, I feel that the same should apply to selinux labels. Grepping under /etc/init.d show me that other initscripts are already doing the same. Please consider applying Russell patch. Cheers Lauren

Bug#678719: xen-utils-common: please label all created directories for SE Linux

2012-06-23 Thread Russell Coker
Package: xen-utils-common Version: 4.1.3~rc1+hg-20120614.a9c0a89c08f2-2 Severity: important Please modify the init scripts in a manner similar to the following to give the correct SE Linux labels. Failing to correctly label them may result in Xen not working correctly when SE Linux is enabled.