Package: debian-installer
I was trying to install Debian on a new Lenovo S30 system. I downloaded
the file
(label: Debian GNU/Linux testing "Wheezy" - Official Snapshot amd64
NETINST Binary-1 20120704-09:15)
and started the installer from the CD. Unfortunately, it was unable to
detect any drives.
I did some searching, and found that it seems to not contain the right
drivers for the SAS controller of my system. lspci -v shows
05:00.0 Serial Attached SCSSI controller: Intel Corporation C602
chipset 4-Port SATA Storage Control Unit (rev 06).
When running from a Knoppix CD, I got some line saying 'Kernel driver
in use: isci'. I do not see that line when running the Debian installer.
For reference, lspci -n shows '05:00.0 0107: 8086:1d6b (rev 06)'.
It seems to me that the installer doesn't contain or is unable to load
the isci driver.
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