Control: found -1 60.6.1esr-1~deb9u1

Just to clarify, this bug happens even on normal browser close, when
session restore is *NOT USED* - that is, even when web pages are fully 
closed  before quitting the browser.

And it happens even with setting "When Firefox starts" to "Show a blank page"
(which should disable session restore functionality completely).

So the option "Keep (cookies) until: I close Firefox" *never* does anything.
It is quite deceptive :(

As workarounds, only options not to retain cookies when closing
firefox-esr browser I've found are:

- installing add-on like "Cookie Autodelete" to remove cookies automatically on 
*tab* close
- enabling "Always use private browsing mode" in "Preferences" / "Privacy & 
  (which also disabled sometimes useful session restore)
- manually deleting cookies before closing browser.

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

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