Source: libical-parser-sax-perl
Version: 1.09-1
Severity: serious
Tags: patch, sid, wheezy
Justification: fails to build from source

This package requires internet connectivity for its test suite
to pass. Package builds should not rely on external network
connectivity, but should be self-contained.

Build.PL has a prompt to enable the http test which is enabled
by default.
Since there is no command line switch for this I'm attaching a patch
that changes the default to disable that test.

Build log:

> cd . && ./Build test  verbose=1
> t/00load.t ... 
> 1..2
> ok 1 - use iCal::Parser::SAX;
> ok 2 - The object isa iCal::Parser::SAX
> ok
> Can't read
> # Looks like you planned 19 tests but ran 18.
> # Looks like your test exited with 22 just after 18.
> t/01parse.t .. 
> 1..19
> ok 1 - no-name-or-id
> ok 2 - name-and-id
> ok 3 - event-duration
> ok 4 - no-summary
> ok 5 - all-day-event
> ok 6 - recurrence
> ok 7 - zero-hr-event
> ok 8 - exdate
> ok 9 - multi-day
> ok 10 - rrule
> ok 11 - todo-with-alarm
> ok 12 - recurrence-update
> ok 13 - complex
> ok 14 - multi-year
> ok 15 - multi-cal input
> ok 16 - parse filehandle
> ok 17 - parse string
> ok 18 - parse hash
> Dubious, test returned 22 (wstat 5632, 0x1600)
> Failed 1/19 subtests
--- libical-parser-sax-perl-1.09.orig/Build.PL
+++ libical-parser-sax-perl-1.09/Build.PL
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ if($build->y_n
 if($build->y_n(q{Would you like to test a remote (http) calendar?
 (Requires LWP::UserAgent and may fail if you don't have access
-to the internet or the remote file has moved) },'y')) {
+to the internet or the remote file has moved) },'n')) {
     open OUT, '>_build/DOHTTP';

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