unmerge 686147


Alle sabato 1 settembre 2012, David Smith ha scritto:
> It seems Akonadi, by default is trying to use MySQL even though by
> default, the distribution installs akonadi-backend-sqlite, and by
> default, mysql isn't installed.

No, the default is akonadi-backend-mysql, which is also the first to be 
installed if no "backends" are installed already:
$ apt-cache show akonadi-server
Package: akonadi-server
Depends: [...], akonadi-backend-mysql (= 1.7.2-1) | akonadi-backend-
sqlite (= 1.7.2-1) | akonadi-backend-postgresql (= 1.7.2-1)

Can you please paste the results of
$ dpkg -l '*akonadi*' | grep ^ii
$ dpkg -l '*mysql*' | grep ^ii

> Is there any possibility at all that the packaging for Akonadi can,
> by default, use the sqllite backend?

Upstream does not consider it the optimal choice yet, so no.

> As that is what the package
> manager installs by default for Akonadi when pulling in all of KDE. 

As said above, it is not.

> When you start pulling
> in mysql, things start getting complicated as even mysql won't work
> unless you configure usernames and passwords and such.

akonadi-backend-mysql depends only on the mysql server , without the 
init scripts not other system-wide setup (including global passwords).

Also note that this bug (#580706) is turning into a black hold of 
different issues, and merging #686147 with this was not a good move and 
has been reverted.

Pino Toscano

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